Ahmad Atabik


This article describes the cash waqf management in Indonesia. A
cash waqf endowments performed person, group of people, and institutions
or legal entities in the form of cash. Endowments cash is still being debated
among scholars’ whether legitimate or not, and the management of cash waqf
professionally still a discourse and not many people or institutions that can
accept such endowments models. This article also discusses the definition, the
legal basis and the cash endowments history. Also discussed about cash waqf
as the foundation of economic development of society by opening the rigidity
of Muslims against this cash waqf, also economic prospects waqf property;
how the institution of waqf in Islamic countries has been successful both in
terms of the welfare society places of worship, social, educational, health and
other essential infrastructure. Endowments cash in reality also has to serve
as economic empowerment; waqf potential as one of the instruments for the
economic empowerment of Muslims although management in Indonesia is still
not good. Yet judging by the numbers, waqf property in Indonesia is quite
large. Most of the endowment in the form or used for houses of worship, Islamic
educational institutions, public cemetery and others who averaged in the form
of endowments is not productive. Therefore, the existence of endowments in
Indonesia today need special attention, because the existing endowment for a
generally still shaped objects that do not move that basically have considerable
potential as productive lands are located to be managed productively.


Management, Management, Cash Waqf, Indonesia

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Manajemen Pengelolaan Wakaf Tunai di Indonesia

ZISWAF, Vol. 1, No. 1, Juni 2014 107 di akses tanggal 13 Maret 2014.



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