Implementasi Service Quality Dalam Menganalisis Kualitas Layanan Perpustakaan Ditinjau dari Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa

Indri Septiani, Siska Andriani, Rosida Rakhmawati



The purpose of this research was to implemented the servqual method to analyze the level of students satisfaction towards the quality of central library services UIN Raden Intan lampung. This research was a descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques carried out by triangulation (combined). Data analysis was performed using the servqual method and importance performance analysis (IPA). The results of the study showed that the services provided by the library in the very satisfied category were marked by a positive gap value (+) or <0 on the overall servqual calculation of 8.48. While in the importance performance analysis there are some things that are felt to be still unsatisfactory to students, namely the completeness of the book collection, grouping of books and the availability of reference materials, so that quality improvement is needed.


Library Services, Servqual, Student Satisfaction


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