Issues of Social Capital in Developing Collaboration of Information Professional Organizations in Indonesia

Laksmi Laksmi, Farli Elnumeri



This research identifies the issue of social capital in building cooperation within professional information organizations in Indonesia. Social capital is the basic capital for building cooperation between organizations. Using a quantitative approach and survey method, data collection was carried out in 2019. There were 80 respondents from various professional information organizations. The findings show that members of the organization apply the value of mutual trust, togetherness, and mutual help between members in each organization, as well as applying network elements that tend to be done more by managers than by members. They network with the media, government, and donor agencies or philanthropy based on the interests of their respective organizations. In addition, another cause is the loosening of ties between leaders and members. As a result, some of them make use of their identities as members of the organization for their own benefit. Collaboration between information professional organizations can be established, if there is a personal closeness to one of its members or leaders. The conclusion shows that the issue of social capital in building cooperation between professional information organizations in Indonesia is that social capital has not been created to its full potential. Suggestions proposed are to provide awareness to all members that professional information organizations basically have the same vision and goals, and improve the organization's function to protect and prosper the members.


Social capital; informational professional organization; cooperation; trust

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