Muhammad Miftah


Nowadays, the role of libraries is not only as a place to collect the rare references that can not be found in some bookstores, but rather serves as a vehicle for development and exploration potential of the human being, through the collection of reference in line with the development of contemporary, these ideals were impossible to realize if the enthusiasm of visitors to the library was minimal. The provision of library services is a major task of librarians in providing the sources of reference which can be utilized the users maximally. The adopted strategy is not enough just to complete the various collections of books or a variety of facilities and infrastructure to support the sustainability of the library. The important thing that must be concerned is creativity and the role of librarians in attracting public interest to continue to love reading. It is needed through the strategy and optimize the performance of the librarian. Thus the performance of librarians in managing and serving the visitors of the library must be improved from various aspects.


Performance; Librarian; Visitation; the Visitor of Libary


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/libraria.v4i2.1757


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