Retno Susilowati


School library is a key learning environment. Students need to develop a strategy, learn and become independent learners and lifelong learners. The library is a main pillar in the process of shaping students' independence and in realizing himself as a lifelong learner.

Effective school library empower students not only to support learning in school, but also gives students the freedom to choose reading materials and experience belajarnya.Keterampilan using the library need to be introduced at an early age and was applied throughout the school day. Libraries provide opportunities for students to develop the skills of reading, searching and using information, learn the skills to do research.

Good library has the following characteristics have programs that enrich students' reading experiences and develop the skills of students as independent learners, have programs that support the learning process and expand the curriculum content, has a collection of the necessary teachers and students, has a staff of enthusiastic, skilled and assigned only to task library has a collection of relevant, up to date and varied, has a continuous and allocated funds from the budgets for the procurement, management and maintenance of equipment and development, monitored and evaluated regularly success, building / room is designed so that the environment and the atmosphere is comfortable and invite the interest of students


Optimalization; School Library

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Gibb H.A.R. dan J.H. Kramers. 1953. Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam (SEI), Leiden: E.J. Brill

Maqbul Ahmad S. 1980. India and the Neighboring Territories.Aligrah

Schwartzberg (editor). 1987. A Historical Atlas of South Asia, Chicago : University of Chicago Press

Wolfgang Behn. 1989. Index Islamicus, 1665-1905. Millersport, PA : Adyok.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/libraria.v2i2.1256


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