Peran Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dalam Mitigasi Bencana Pasca Banjir 2021

Ana Rizka Mashud, Siti Wahdah, Juairiah Juairiah


This study was aimed at seeking out the roles of library and archives bureau of Kalimantan Selatan Province in post-flood disaster mitigation in 2021. This was a qualitative descriptive study which employed three different techniques to collect the data covering interview, observation and documentation. In analyzing the data,  the researcher took three main stages namely reducing, displaying and drawing conclusions as in Miles and Huberman’s model. The data finding revealed that the respective Dispersip Kalsel took significant roles in post-flood disaster mitigation in 2021. Accordingly, the findings showed two important stages of disaster mitigation which were during- and post-flood events.  During the flood, the bureau provided information relevant to a service availability in which limited access could only be made at Tendean Library. Besides, they also made an ease of users/members who were in loans as well. In addition, they distributed and lended books at some shelters, islamic boarding schools, and jails. They also  provided trauma-healing treatments among the adults and kids by inviting some amusing characters and costumes, playing, singing and story-telling. Not  only that, the bureau also sent some logistic needs, praying stuffs, some piles of sand to build musholla, and some gifts for the kids in their shelters. Furthermore, they collaborated with BNBP, TNI, Social Bureau, Governor and President in distributing needs at DispersipPeduli. The bureau promoted widely the information, services, and experiences throughout social medias.   Meanwhile, in the post-flood event mitigation, the bureau conducted a preservation jobs by repairing their collections, buildings and equipment affected by the flood. Other than that, they intended to develop a mutual collaboration and promotion regarding the disaster preparedness issues in the form of socialization and training with the National Archive Bureau.


disaster mitigation; preservation; collaboration; Disaster preparedness


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