BUKU DAN RUMAH BERJENDELA DUNIA (Gerakan Rekreasi di Perpustakaan Keluarga)

Nur Said


This article discusses the four focus of discussion: (1) House is a medium for training process for the love of books; (2) Family library as a sub-system for character education; (3) The alternative of design for family library; (4) Management of the Family Library. This article was written with the applied philosophy approach, therefore the fi rst part discussed the importance of the family library with the philosophical argumentation and end with an offer implementable how pioneered and developed a family library as a process of civilizing humanity through the instrument of family library. Recommendations of this article is that during most families when designing a house not made as part of the family library room space to be considered, then it is time to get up, that the family library is an important instrument in character education especiallay concerning the love of books and many sciences. With sciences we will prosper in the world and the hereafter.


Family library; recreation; character ecucation; harmoni

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/libraria.v2i2.1211


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