Inovasi Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM) Pena Ananda Dalam Memberikan Layanan Informasi Kepada Masyarakat di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

Kiki Faizatunaili, Darisy Syafaah



The government's policy to respect and avoid crowds in the form of killing the spread of the corona virus that occurred throughout 2020, had an impact on system changes in various aspects of public services and information to the public. Likewise, the service at the community reading park (TBM) has the main function as a means of independent learning for the community and as a support for informal education programs. This study aims to determine the innovation of TBM Pena Ananda in providing information services to the public through various innovative activities and services that are online. This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the innovation of information services to the community at Pena Ananda TBM was carried out through system changes from offline to online such as exclusive writing training activities, poetry day echo talk shows, online reading rally, garbage magic from home, group talk, children's song creation workshops, writing creative, happy home learning August, 21st century children's talk room, vibrant pandemic with children's songs, children's films in the industrial revolution, thought process together, discussion together, junior writing class online, educational article writing competition, volunteer talk through applications zoom.


Inovation, Information Services, TBM Pena Ananda, Covid-19


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