Kondisi Tertib Administrasi Layanan di Perpustakaan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Permasalahan, dan Alternatif Pemecahannya

Ni Gusti Ayu Ketut Retty Retno Wulan


This research was aimed at: knowing the condition of unregistered books in the library of Undiksha, Knowing the weaknesses that appeared in the library ordered administration service, discovering the caused of the weaknesses in ordered administration service, and finding out the alternative solutions to cope with the problems existed in ordered administration service. The research subject was all of the Undiksha librarian staff. The data gathered through implementing instruments, such as questionnaires, observation, and documentation, which analyzed by descriptive qualitative analysis.     The result of the research showed that; (1) the condition of the unregistered books (lost books) was about 21.59 %.; (2) the weaknesses in implementing ordered administration service such as the unorganized recording system; .the imperfect job system procedure;  book borrowing that was not through circulation;  less of supporting facilities; and lack of human resources performance; (3). The factor that caused defection in ordered administration service among others: lack of staff disciplined,  circulation recording system that was not efficient and manual. There was violence in administration service for about 61.29 %, staff didn’t record in book borrowing (25.81%), borrower without having member card (9.68%), borrowing book up from quota, and not returning the book; (4) alternative solutions on ordered administration service that proposed were: repairing the supporting facility (computer); ordered recording; increasing the staff performances, and observing the users in the library room collection.


Library service; good administration; undiksha


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/libraria.v9i1.10850


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