Assessing the Impact of Minimum Learning Mastery Standard on the Effectiveness of Follow-Up Programs in Madrasa

Agus Riwanda, Kamal Yusuf, Akhmad Najibul Khairi Syaie


This study aims to analyse the assessment and follow-up processes of Arab learning at Madrasah Aliyah using qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. It involved 24 Arabic language teachers from Madrasah Aliyah in South Kalimantan. The findings indicated that Minimum Learning Mastery Standards (MLMS) were not adjusted to accommodate student characteristics, subject competencies, and educational unit conditions. Consequently, learning assessments became less credible, often serving merely to fulfil MLMS requirements. Both enrichment and remedial follow-up were perceived as formalities, lacking a basis in the analysis of student assessments, which undermined students' motivation to learn. Teachers encountered ethical dilemmas in assessment and decision-making processes, exacerbated by external pressures for students to meet MLMS benchmarks. The study emphasizes the importance of reducing external pressures in determining MLMS, enhancing teacher competence in adopting new assessment methods, and improving evaluation systems. These improvements are crucial for developing evidence-based structured enrichment and remedial programs


Assesment, Demotivation, Follow-Up Program, Minimum Level of Mastery Standards

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