Achmad Faqihuddin


INTERNALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS HUMANISTIC VALUES IN  “Z” GENERATION USING DESIGN FOR CHANGE. The importance of this research is the trend of Generation Z which can not be separated from internet technology. This phenomenon gave birth to a new problem, where the attitude of Generation Z is tend to be individualistic, less sensitive to the environment, likes to do cyberbulying, cybercrime and other problems far from humanist value. This will lead to greater problems if teachers do not use relevant strategies in educating. This study presents the strategy of PAI teachers in instilling religious humanistic values in the Z generation. This research uses a qualitative approach with a method of determining sampling in the form of purposeful sampling precisely in SMAN 26 Bandung. The findings in the field related to the strategy of PAI teachers in instilling humanistic values in the Z generation is through the process of learning in the classroom with various methods of learning PAI accompanied by the use of technology-based media, one of which is using Design For Change method. The result is that students become passionate about learning, being religious, more concerned about humanitarian issues and trying to collaborate in finding solutions. This awareness virus can be transmitted with Internet media and social media that Generasi Z have.


Strategy; Humanistic Religious; Generation Z; Internet Technology

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