Research University Program Development in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education: Strategic Management Perspective

Muhammad Thoyib, Abdul Karim, Badru Ngo, Moh Widda Djohan


This article aims to emphasise the contestation of higher education that was increasingly competitive, and even tending to be high disrupted competition in Indonesia by the lack of creativity in managing institutional strategies as well as in research culture. This qualitative research used in-depth interview, observation and documentation supported by the interactive analytical approach which consists of condensing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions with involving 7 informants from institutional leaders, lecturers and students. This study confirmed that UII Yogyakarta with its well-managed research program strategic management design, is increasingly able to deliver quality and competitive Islamic university with distinctive institutional excellences, both at the national and international levels, such as: the development of a creative economy industry based on entrepreneurship that is globally competitive; virtual environment development for education, government, and on so on. Therefore, UII Yogyakarta has higher competitiveness at the global level which can be an good example of quality research development for Indonesian Islamic higher education.


Strategic management, research university program, institutional excellences

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