PEMAKNAAN AYAT AL-QURAN DALAM MUJAHADAH: Studi Living Qur’andi PP Al-Munawwir Krapyak Komplek Al-Kandiyas

Moh. Muhtador


QUR’AN IN PP Al-MUNAWWIR KRAPYAK Al-KANDIYAS COMPLEX). The Qur’an as a guideline of life
for Muslims and became the authoritative source in the realm of
social reality has developed its meaning. Relation to the development
of meaning in al-Qur’an is the potential of the Qur’an itself that
keeps studied and preserved in the realm of the theoretical and praxis.
In the theoretical realm of the Qur’an continues to experience the
reconstruction of understanding, reconstruction is related to the Qur’an
itself, as is the case. About what enclosing the Qur’an when down and
what is contained in the Qur’an itself. Both of them does not close the
possibility to continue to be developed with different variants of the
science to be an approach in digging the content of its science value, such as sociology, anthropology, historiy, and hermeneutic. On the other hand the study of praxis, in relation to the Qur’an is how the verses of the Qur’an are understood and practiced. This study assesses the reality
of the society with the Qur’an. In that sense, the strive of mujahadah
devotee community when interacting with verses of the Qur’an which
become the practices and had a magical and mystical power. Because in
practice a conviction verses are read when mujahadah contains a value that cannot be expressed. So the verses of the Qur’an become alive
amongst the people, but it’s merely as a discourse and perception, it also confines the substantial meaning of a verse which contained in it when being interpretated or takwil.

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