Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia dan Pembelajaran Konvensional (Studi Komparasi di MTs Al-Muttaqin Plemahan Kediri)

Mualimul Huda


CONVENTIONAL AND MULTIMEDIA BASED LEARNING A COMPARATION STUDY IN AL-MUTTAQIN PLEMAHAN KEDIRI SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The interaction during learning process is influenced by the circumstances, the effectiveness of learning media is the example. This research is to test the theory of two motivation factors that put forward by the Herzberg. He states that the motivation of the person in doing something influenced by two factors namely intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. This theory is then made the basis development the theory of motivation to learn that the students learning achievement motivation is influenced by those two factors components. In addition in this research also focus testing the effectiveness of learning media that put forward by Edgar Dale known with Dale's Cone of Experience. This study use a quantitative research using mixed approach method. Data collection is done by questionnaires and documentation, interview and observation. The sampling is determined by the technique of random sampling. Analysis of statistical data with the t-test independent formula. the results of the analysis comparison with t-test, independent data shows that there is a significant difference between motivation and student learning achievements between the learning using multimedia computer and conventional methods so that it can be concluded that the motivation and achievement of student learning using multimedia computer is better than using conventional methods in Al-Muttaqin Plemahan Kediri Secondary Schools.


Multimedia; Learning; Motivation; Achievement


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