Problem Keilmuan Pendidikan Agama Islam

M Saekan Muchith


THE SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION. This paper aims to study the scientific problems of Islamic education. This is because the Islamic religious education (including the Islamic educational institutions such as STAIN, IAIN and UIN) is unique when compared to other sciences and institutions. The word “Islam” has its own characteristic which involves the science and the institution. Therefore, the science of Islamic education and Islamic education institutions must be able to carry out the vision of Islam as a religion of peace. Science of Islamic education and Islamic education institutions must be able to carry out the vision and mission of the Islamic religion in the context of ritual, muamalah or nationality. Consequently Islamic science must be able to formulate the structure and format of science that addresses the problems faced by Muslims. The slow quality of Islamic science and the quality of Islamic education institutions were triggered by problems called dichotomies science that exists only in debate. This leads to the less optimal performance of Islamic science, it is not directly able to formulate how this science is able to contribute to society. For the further implication, Islamic science became stagnant in the corridors of “science for science” and “discourse to discourse” that can only be read and debated.


Islamic Education; Islamic Education Institution


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