Pengilmuan Islam dan Problem Dikotomi Pendidikan

Muhamad Mustaqim


SCIENTIFICATION OF ISLAM AND EDUCATION DICHOTOMY PROBLEM. This writing is trying to analyze about the tendency of dichotomy that happened in Islam scholarly. A dichotomy is practically reflected in the dichotomy pattern in education. Segregation demarcation between general education and religious education. Eventually gave birth to stratification between the two educations, where the Islamic education was considered in lower position. One of the efforts to develop Islamic scholarly is tominimized dichotomy problem is called Islamic scientification. Islamic scientification is indicated that there is an excavations in Islamic khazanah that gave birth to the concept and the theory that are relevant to what ummah need. Scientification of Islam is expected to be knowledge Islam will be able to develop not only in bayani and metaphysic dimensions. But more than that, the integration of knowledge, as there was the beginning in the twentieth century can be raised again.


Islamic Scientification; Dichotomy; Education


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