Nuskhan Abid


Bagus (good), ngaji (reciting the Qur’an) dan dagang (trading) formely known as gusjigang. The term has deeply-rooted in the life of peoples in Kudus district Central Java province Indonesia. Gusjigang are Kudus peoples represented on good appearance, good attitude, entrepreneurial spirit, and life-long learning passion. This article aims to know the relevance of soft skill and gusjigang values as a local wisdom. “Gus” value from gusjigang is relevance with communication skill and team works. “Ji” values from gusjigang are relevant with lifelong learning soft skill. “Gang” values are relevant with entrepreneurship soft skill. The integration of gusjigang in teaching and learning can be done by determining a role model, material development, and the development of teaching methods.


gusjigang, local wisdom, teaching and learning, soft skill

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