Integration of Religious Character in School Culture: An Investigation of Character Development Practices in Islamic Elementary School

Bagus Cahyanto, Fina Mafasa Indana, Ilma Fiveronica, Evi Rizqi Salamah, Nicholas Alexander Garbacz


Strengthening religious character in schools is an effort to equip students with a solid moral and ethical awareness of religious values. School culture is vital in developing students' religious character through various constructive methods, approaches, programs, and activities. This research aims to explore the practice of strengthening religious character at MI Roudlotun Nasyi'in Singosari Malang, which focuses on (a) the role of teachers in strengthening students' religious character at school, (b) school culture in strengthening students' religious character, and (c) the challenges faced schools in strengthening religious character. The research found that teachers are school role models, designing valuable learning inspiring, and motivating students. Apart from that, it was found that school culture, which plays a role in strengthening religious character, includes the habit of performing dhuha prayers, reading the Asmaul Husna before learning, midday prayers in congregation, commemorating Islamic holidays, and reading and writing the Qur'an every day. The findings also show that the challenges schools face in strengthening religious character include student discipline in participating in school activities, student consistency in carrying out good habits, and control over the continuity of good practices at home. This research is helpful for educational institutions, practitioners, and anyone who pays attention to education as a reference in developing a positive culture in schools and material for reflection in determining strategic programs for developing student character in schools.


character building; school culture; religious character; basic Islamic education

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