Rochanah Rochanah


Education is a shared responsibility between schools families and communities. The purpose of teaching and learning is to create change towards a better state. Learners are expected to transform themselves with reference to subjects who had just obtained. Learning intended to be something that is not known by the students will be known. According to Gagne, changes in behavior as a result of learning can take the form of verbal information, information in the form of verbal mastery of both written and spoken. Intellectual faculties, namely the individual skills in interacting with its environment by using symbols. Cognitive strategies, namely an individual's ability to perform the control and overall management activities. Attitude, namely learning outcomes in the form of an individual's ability to choose the type of action to be performed. Motor skills, ie learning outcomes in the form of skills that is controlled by muscle movement and physical. To support these goals, schools, families and communities must work together synergistically in order to succeed and the realization of effective learning. With the intervention and involvement among the three will certainly be able to support and to support effective learning in school.


role; family; school; community; effective learning


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