Correlational of Collaborative Learning on Students’ Social Interaction: A Meta-Analysis Study

Imaniar Purbasari, Nur Fajrie, Jayanti Putri Purwaningrum, Muhammad Sholikhan


Collaborative learning allows student’ interaction to the cognitive construction system. Social interaction in the learning system includes elements of the environment, technology, and learning methods that are implemented in the learning process. The aims of this study are: 1) to analyze correlation of collaborative learning and students' social interactions in teaching learning process and 2) to analyze whether there was bias publication or not in the meta-analysis of relevant research publications. The method used in this research is meta-analysis. The research was conducted by browsing the Scopus database on relevant research with the limitation of the keywords "collaborative learning" "social interaction" "correlation studies" for publication results between 2015-2022.  The data collected were 89 articles but the relevant ones were 12 articles with correlational studies. Data analysis used Effect Size test by JASP to answer the hypothesis about the relationship between collaborative learning and social interaction to determine whether there is bias publication. The results of analysis that used Random Effect model showed that there was a significant positive correlation between collaborative social learning and students' social interaction (z=3.379; p<0.005). The results of calculations regard to Rank Correlation showed that Kendall's value is 0.061 which showed the large correlation coefficient between effect size and variance where p-value of 0.841 is greater than the value of 0.05 which indicated that the publication sample data does not indicate bias publication. The results of this study indicate that collaborative learning in the direct social activities in the learning community. Meanwhile, indirect learning expands access to do discussion, publication capabilities, and reflection on various discoveries. 


Collaborative; Social; Interaction; Learning

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