The Mckinsey 7S Framework and School Branding: An Exploratory Study at Private Islamic Elementary School

Azifa Ulya Ainunnisa, Setya Raharja, Agustian Ramadana Putera


The purpose of this study is to investigate the Mckinsey 7s Framework and its effect on school branding in the Islamic private school. The data collection method used observation, interview, and document study techniques. The primary data sources were from the school principal of Sokonandi Muhammadiyah Elementary School of Yogyakarta, while the secondary data sources were 7 teachers, 2 staffs, and school stakeholders. The data were analyzed using Miles & Huberman’s techniques, namely; data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that 1) Shared values with the tagline “Smart, Religious, and Fun”, 2) The school’s strategy in branding creates multi-intelligence students and realizes the vision and mission of Muhammadiyah’s goals, 3) Organizational structure for the development of school branding with varied coordinating fields, 4) School skills in making a comprehensive management information system, 5) Prioritizing quality-based-learning in every recruitment, 6) facilitating all teachers’ or staffs’ competences, 7) The principal uses two-way communication method


School Branding; McKinsey 7s frameworks; Islamic School; Education Quality

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