Improving Students’ Creative Thinking Skills through Mind Map Integration in Akidah Akhlak Subject

Farihin Farihin, Didin Nurul Rosidin, Didi Mustahdi, Atikah Syamsi, Ahmad Arifudin


The purpose of this study is to find apply mind map strategies on creativity thinking skills in akidah akhlak. The use of mind maps is done by recording creatively about key materials that can make it easier for students to remember a lot of information, students to perform improvisation in akidah akhlak activities. This research using quantitative methods.  The sample used was a number of 30 students of MI Negeri Cirebon with datacollection techniques using questionnaires and documentation.  While the data analysis statistics technique is carried out by means of SPSS-assisted analytical statistics through the paired samples t-test. The results is Mind Map learning strategies can increase students' learning creativity in akidah akhlak because they are fun, immersive and bring out unlimited creativity, provide flexible thoughts, can focus more attention, and increase the understanding of the object to which it is intended because it is filled with images with interesting branches made by students themselves. Based on paired samples t-test test obtained a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05, so the results of this study showed that there was an influence on the application of mind map learning strategies on learning creativity in akidah akhlak subjects



Creativity; Mind Map; Akidah Akhlak

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