Shulthon Shulthon


Teachers as parts of the educational component have
the most important roles in achieving quality education agenda. In
achieving the goal of education, teachers are the spearhead which
also directly related to teaching, educating, and guiding students
towards the creation of the ideal man, the one who dignifies and
civilizes in the frame of faith and piety as a manifestation of the
purpose of human life itself.
Teachers are able to carry out their duties as teachers, educators,
and counselors are teachers who have the competence required in
accordance with national education standards. It is undeniable
that teachers in educational practice are still prevalent lack of
fulfillment as the ideal ones so that they can carry out the tasks
and role as a real teacher. Therefore, there are needs to be serious
treatment related to the competence of teachers.
Teachers should be able to generate high motivation in the
students’ learning with enthusiasm and respect of students, as well
as provide good role models by providing concrete experience as a
form of individual and social devotion and also capable of treating
all students in a democratic and humanist that would eventually
inspire the formation of good behavior in students.


inspirational teacher, democratic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/elementary.v3i1.1446

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