EVALUASI KURIKULUM STAIN KUDUS (Studi Analisis Struktur Mata Kuliah: Linguistik)

Taranindya Zulhi Amalia


Curriculum evaluation research was motivated by the
need for curriculum development STAIN Kudus in 2008 which
has been used in college (PT) for five years, and armed with the
curriculum autonomy PT contained in Law No. 20 Year 2003
on National Education System Article 24. In 2013 a curriculum
evaluation performed by some lecturers to be developed through
this research with the ultimate aim to answer three formulation
of the problem, namely: (1) the advantages and disadvantages of
curriculum STAIN Kudus in 2008 in the course of Linguistics, (2)
the structure of the curriculum is ideal for STAIN Kudus, and (3)
STAIN curriculum sanctuary in 2013 in the subject of Linguistics.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the advantages and
disadvantages of the Holy STAIN curriculum in 2008 in the course
of Linguistics, examine the structure of the curriculum is ideal
for STAIN Kudus, as well as providing a curriculum deals STAIN
Kudus in 2013.
In the research methodology, the type of study is a literature
research. Curriculum Evaluation Model This study used a
qualitative approach to the evaluation method. Sources of primary
data acquisition is a book syllabus of the Department of Tarbiyah
Faculty, STAIN Kudus. Then, the secondary data source supporting
the preparation of this research data is a reference in the form of
books that are relevant to the subject of Linguistics in particular
on the application of science majors. As researcher and analyst,
instrument or tool is the researcher’s own research. In gathering
the data as an evaluation, researchers used two techniques namely,
observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques that
researchers use content analysis in the form of matters related to
the subject of Linguistics. Results and discussion of the study titled
Evaluation of Curriculum STAIN Kudus Year 2013 is as follows:
(1) a glimpse of STAIN Kudus, (2) analysis of the advantages
and disadvantages of curriculum STAIN Kudus Year 2008 in the
subject of Linguistics, (3) the curriculum structure ideal STAIN
Kudus, and ( 4) STAINKudus  curriculum offer in 2013 in the course of Linguistics.
As a suggestion ideal curriculum structure according to the
researchers, namely: the graduate profile in accordance with the
competence of departments / study programs to offset the extra
competence / support (++) ie ‘life skills’, the existence of the Human
Resources (HR), ie, the entire community of academia are those
people who are competent in their field (stake holders, faculty,
staff, students), courage deals curriculum on before the start
of the course, the curriculum contains cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor, curriculum showed the facility college guidebook
curriculum implementation is available in every department and
owned all actors curriculum, Tridharma college portion provided
on the college curriculum, and the availability of standardization/
curricula certification at every educational path.


curriculum evaluation, Linguistics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/elementary.v3i1.1442

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