Model of Teacher – Student Interaction Based on Students’ Uniqueness in Elementary School (Benchmarking to Sto. Rosario Montessori School Philippine)

Istiningsih Istiningsih, Na'imah Na'imah, Mohamad Agung Rokhimawan


The uniqueness of learning in elementary school Sto. Rosario Montessori School Philippines Using the k-12 curriculum, by imitating the United States model, namely the Cooperative Learning model and the Communicative Learning approach. The purpose of this study is to design a teacher-student interaction model for basic education in Indonesia. This model is designed with the benchmarking Sto. Rosario Montessori School, Philippines. This research approach uses a qualitative approach. With the research method of level 1 R&D studies. Then qualitative data processing and data analysis were carried out. Data analysis gives meaning to the data from observations, interviews, documentation, and literature studies that have been collected so that they get a very important meaning in a study. Analyzing qualitative data can be done by reducing data, displaying data, and data conclusions. The result of this research is the design of the teacher-student interaction model for elementary school students which contains the philosophy, concepts, mechanisms and general guidelines for the application of the model. The model in this study uses cooperative learning and communicative learning. (1) The philosophy of the model “students are unique creatures”; (2) The concept of the model: cases, individual conditions of students and solving cases faced by students; (3) The model mechanism: (a) Mapping of students’ conditions; (b) Teacher training on leadership patterns; (c) The teacher classifies the students’ condition; (d) implementation of teaching and learning; (4) General instructions for implementing the designed model.


Student-Teacher Interaction; Leadership; Students’ Uniqueness

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