Ady Cahyadi, Euis Amalia, Amilin Amilin


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate of spin off on islamic insurance in Indonesia. This research used data participant funds from the financial report from 22 sharia business unit consisting of 14 sharia life insurance and 8 sharia general insurance in 2015-2020 period. Data processed using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) with R-Studio tools analysis. The result shown no sharia insurance unit has been able to meet the criteria of spin off, the proportion of funds which are not able to achieve as much as 50% headquarter participant funds base on act number 40/2014 about insurance in Indonesia. The main steps that need to be taken by a sharia insurance business unit that wants to spin-off is to ensure that its financial condition is healthy and choose the right spin-off model. Meanwhile, regulators need to evaluate the spin-off criteria. It is hoped that the aim of the spin off to encourage the development of the sharia insurance industry can be achieved and not become a burden.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/aktsar.v6i1.22384


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