Financial Transformation: Revealing the Effect of Digital Zakat and Inflation on Economic Growth in West Sumatra

Wahyu Aulia, Neng Kamarni


Zakat is an obligation that must be fulfilled by Muslims. From the Islamic perspective, zakat is one of the sources of financing that affects economic growth. Zakat has great potential, especially in West Sumatra. But in reality, the zakat collection in this area is still not optimal. This condition encourages the emergence of an idea put forward by the Zakat Forum (FOZ), namely the idea of Digizakat or digital zakat to increase zakat collection which is expected to help drive economic growth. In addition to zakat, the macro variable that contributes to economic growth is inflation. The rise and fall of inflation will cause economic turmoil. This study was conducted to see and find out whether digitally collected zakat and inflation affect economic growth in West Sumatra both in the short and long term. In conducting the analysis, the author uses secondary data in the form of monthly digital zakat collection data for the 2016-2020 time period, obtained from BAZNAS and BPS West Sumatra, and uses the VAR method to measure the effect of digitalization of zakat on economic growth in West Sumatra. The results showed that the digitalization of zakat has an insignificant effect on economic growth in West Sumatra. Furthermore, inflation also has an insignificant effect on economic growth in the short term.


akat; Digitalization; Inflation; Economic Growth

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