Shobirin Shobirin


Zakat means blessing, grow, clean and good. the expected tithe
heart, his soul and his wealth will be clean. Law No. 38 of 1999 on the
management of zakat, it regulates the implementation, monitoring, collection
and dissemination and utilization of zakat. This law does not restrict the text
explicitly only as zakat of gold and silver, trade, agriculture, mining, rikaz
but also charity and service revenue. In accordance with the MUI No. 3
of 2003 which requires the zakat income or profession. , The legal basis for
such charity; (Q.S Al-Baqarah: 43). Compulsory zakat: independence, Islam,
puberty, understanding, property is property that must Zakat, has reached
nishab property, property owned, have passed one year, no debt, exceeding
staples, property obtained by good and lawful and grow. While the legal
conditions zakat; muzakki intentions and the transfer of ownership of muzakki
to mustahiq. Profession means jobs. Various professions kasb al-charity,
which works well for someone else to make the government, companies, and
individuals to obtain wage, granted, hand, brain or both. Incomes in the form
of wages, salary or honorarium, such as civil servants, private employees
and staff of the company, and Mihan al-hurray, the work done on their own
without depending on others, thanks to the dexterity of the hand or brain, his
income is income professionals, such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, artists,
and others. Zakat Profession zakah is imposed on the income of each job or
professional expertise, whether it is done alone or carried out jointly with the
people / institutions that can generate revenue (money) that meet nishab (the
minimum limit of treasures to be tithe). Socialization from the government
and related clerical profession zakat management is absolutely necessary
and is a key and essential factor in realizing the implementation of zakat
profession. To raise awareness of the tithe among civil servants and staff of the
company to do: (a) provide insight (know-how) are properly and adequately
about zakat, infaq and sadaqah, both in terms of epistemology, terminology,
and kedudukanya in Islam, (b) benefits (benefit) and lavatory (need) of zakat,
sadaqah infaq and, especially for the culprit or the mustahiq zakat (c) there is
an example of a leader. Technical charity fundraiser the most simple and easy
for administrators is to cut the salaries of the employees immediately upon
payment each month, by 2.5%, it is intended to facilitate the implementation
of pengumpulanya.


Engineering, Management, Zakat and Profession

Full Text:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/ziswaf.v2i2.1555


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