Ahmad Atabik


This article describes the management of zakat in the contemporary
era. The author began with 1) the concept of zakat in Islam that includes
understanding and assorted well as scholarly opinion ‘about it. The scholars
argue that zakat is a wealth of content assets that meet the minimum
requirements (nishab) and Waku span of one year (haul) the rights and given
to mustahiq (recipients). Also discussed 2) of zakat profession, namely zakat
imposed pda each job tau professional expertise, whether done alone or shared
with the people or institutions, which bring in income (money) that meets the
Nisab (the minimum threshold to be able to pay zakat . 3) the core of this article
describes the management of zakat which is considered essential to the welfare
of the Muslims, then zakat must be properly managed gnats can gain the trust
of the community. In managing zakat can be through management. Zakat
management-based management can be done with the basic assumption that all
activities associated with the charity carried out in a professional manner. Zakat
management in a professional manner, needs to be done with the interrelations
between the various activities associated with the charity. 4) at the end of the
building described in managing zakat management by using the theory of James
Stoner. The management model includes the planning process (planning),
organizing (organizing), direction (actuating) and supervision (controlling).
Stoner’s fourth model can be applied in any activity with the concept of
socialization zakat management, collection, utilization and supervision.


Management, Zakat, Profession

Full Text:



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