Solikhul Hadi


Beginning of the emergence endowments can be seen from two
assumptions. The first assumption states that the Kaaba was built by Adam,
and the pillars established by the Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail, and
then preserved by the Prophet Muhammad, it is thus the Kaaba is the first
endowments known to man and used for religious purposes. While the second
assumption states that the Prophet Abraham who built the Kaaba, it means
endowments began in the time of Prophet Ibrahim, who has brought the
teachings of monotheism. Endowments ordered by the Prophet comes from
the prophetic vision and not follow the example of the implementation of the
endowment implemented ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans. Later,
the endowment was established in the community is carried out dynamically
from a tradition that is to be amplified by the regulation, as practiced in Muslim
countries. Regulation waqf positive impact for the wider benefit such as health
care, education, social. Economic and others. Health services are provided
through endowments-waqf hospital. Management of waqf with contextual
regulation can also be used to develop the productive waqf property through
commercial efforts and the results for social purposes.


Development of tradition, regulation and waqf.

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