Strategi Pendayagunaan dan Pengelolaan Wakaf Tunai di Indonesia

Ahmad Atabik


This article describes the cash waqf management strategies in
Indonesia. Begins with understanding endowment perspective of Islamic
law and the juridical basis of the cash endowments. Further discussion about
the problems of the management of the funds cash waqf, covered in it about
the rigidity of Muslims against the waqf, understanding still mistakenly
among some Muslims about cash waqf, and the lack of professionalism of
the management of waqf (nadzir waqf) and managing waqf property either
in the form of cash waqf or not cash. At the end of the discussion talked
about cash waqf management strategies are covered in it on a national
scale the importance of Waqf Institution in institutions of Indonesian
Waqf Board Beran as a supervisor and management of waqf productively.
Formation BWI has the objective to organize the management of the national
administration, manage their own waqf property entrusted to him, especially
with regard to the productive waqf land. Discussed also about building
community self-reliance by implementing and managing both cash waqf.


Strategy, Management, Cash Waqf, Indonesia

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