resulted in Zakat Act No 38/1999, which was then amended by Zakat Act No
23/2011. This new Act mandated a stronger integration of zakat management
in the country. According to the Act, the zakat institution is divided in two:
(i) government board of zakat and (ii) private zakat institutions. The former
is known as Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (abbreviated as BAZNAS), or the
National Board of Zakat, and the latter is known as Lembaga Amil Zakat
(abbreviated as LAZ). BAZNAS was given a mandate to lead the integration
process and to coordinate all other zakat institutions comprising BAZNAS
at the Provincial and City/Regency levels and LAZ. This paper attempts
to discuss policy design and strategic steps that can fully support future
development of zakat in Indonesia. This study uses socio-economic approach. The
analysis serves to simplify data into a form that is easier to read and interpret.
The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis.
Full Text:
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