Maryati Maryati


The purpose of this research is to find out how the leadership of the madrasa principal in increasing the  educational staffs’ professionalism in MTs Nurul Qur’an Tegalwero Pucakwangi Pati is, how the education quality improvement in MTs Nurul Qur’an Tegalwero Pucakwangi Pati is, how the leadership system of the madrasa principal in managing facilities and infrastructure at MTs Nurul Qur’an Tegalwero Pucakwangi Pati is, and what the supporting and barrier factors of the principal leadership in empowering the madrasa resources in MTs Nurul Qur'an Tegalwero  Pucakwangi Pati are. The method of this research is qualitative. Place and time of research is at MTs Nurul Qur’an Tegalwero Pucakwangi Pati, since September to November 2015. The determination of the research subject focuses on the leadership of the madrasa principal. The data in this research are the data which were obtained from the interview answers that was conducted by the researcher and school documents that include leadership system, leadership concept and so on. The results of this research are the leadership system of the madrasa principal in increasing professionalism of educational staffs, managing infrastructure, and financing management is democratic and give priority to cooperation with the teachers, madrasa committee, and students’ parents. The supporting factors of the madrasa principal leadership in empowering the madrasa resources are; the head of the madrasa was an authoritative leader so he gets support from teachers, students, madrasa committee, and students’ parents. While the barrier factors are the lack of professionalism of educational staff and the presence of jealousy between the teachers and also between students regarding the treatment of the teachers and the granting of madrasa facilities between regular class with the special class.


madrasa principal leadership system, education quality

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/quality.v4i1.2119


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