Anis Fitriyah


THE PREVENTION OF DYSLEXIA STUDENTS BULLYING IN THE PRACTICE AT ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Dyslexia disorder experienced by students MI Manbaul Falihin Ngabul Tahunan Jepara considered as a serious problem, because these disorders could lead to do bullying from other students, whereas bullying itself can lead victim impaired physical and psychological, and bullying can be categorized as a crime can not be tolerated. This study, using descriptive qualitative approach, intended to investigate an incident in accordance with the real conditions in the field with the data analysis is inductive/qualitative. Data collection techniques using triangulation techniques (combined). The results showed that in responding to these things so make MI Manbaul Falihin issued policies to prevent bullying especially for students who have dyslexia disorder. Act of prevention in the form of giving insight to teachers, provide insight to students, provide insight to parents, recommends choosing a good friend, teach compassion to students, to build confidence in students dyslexia, develop social skills of students, and teach good ethics.


prevent: bullying; dyslexia

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