Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Potensi Anak Usia Dini

Ahmad Atabik


Developing talents and interests of children aims to make children
learn in the field of interest and in accordance with the abilities, talents and
interests they have. In educating children into reliable individuals, parents
have a formidable task and play a decisive role. Parents are required to
understand the character of the child in the future, recognizing their rights and
then seek the creation of an educational environment that nurtures all aspects
of development that includes the mental, interests, creativity and optimally
balanced manner. In addition to the child’s physical development, cognition
and psychomotor, parents also need to pay attention to affective and spiritual
aspects that must still taught by his/her parents to let him/her become resilient
individuals in the world affairs and religion. This article, in addition, provides
an overview of ways to develop children, interests, talents and creativity also
see how the Qur’an gives spiritual guidance to children since childhood, as
illustrated by Luqman education to his son.


Education; Potential Early Childhood; Islam

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