Membangun Konsep Diri Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

Fatma Laili Khoirin Nida


One of the most psychic elements plays a role in the development
of individual personality is the self concept, which is an overall self-concept
self image that includes a person’s perception of himself, feelings, beliefs,
and values associated with him. The self concept is an important aspect in a
person, in which the self concept is a frame of reference to interact with the
environment. When people perceive themselves, give meaning and shape
abstraction assessment of him means he showed self-awareness and the ability
to get out of myself to see him as he did to the world outside himself.
The process of development of self-concept often experience problems when
should collide with the physical and psychological conditions that do not
support. This is as it occurs in the disability children. Barriers that often arise
in the process of development for disability children often result in low quality
of their self-concept. Negative self-concept in disability children are often
influenced by various factors such as the refusal of parents, teachers, friends
and society. Then the required education and put more stress on approaches
that are emotional in educational services for disability children that can be
played by educators, psychologists, and community that contribute to the
formation of a positive self-concept. The success of disability children in the
form of positive self concept will bring opportunities for disability children to
be more independent and confident that they are capable of self-actualization
is better in their lives.


ABK; self-concept; early childhood

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