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US-China Trade War: Indonesia as a Muslim Majority Country and Vietnam Responses

Muhammad Ivan, Arie Kusuma Paksi


This research discusses the responses of countries in Southeast Asia in the context of US-China trade war, with particular focus on what strategies taken by Indonesia (as a Muslim majority country) and Vietnam government to apply and attract investment from US and China as a result of trade war among them. The writer chose qualitative method to get an in-depth data and find the dynamic problems and a strategy taken by a country to overcome the problem caused by trade war. By Using mercantilist approach this paper argues that both Indonesia and Vietnam have a different strategies in order to gain the foreign investor to come to their countries and manage to maintain the sustainability in the middle of trade war escalation. As a result both Indonesia and Vietnam have succeeded in maintaining their economic stability through the strategies they have adopted which have resulted positive.


Trade War, Vietnam response, Indonesia response, Southeast Asia, Economic Mercantilism


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DOI: 10.21043/politea.v3i2.8831

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