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The Development of Campus Da'wah in the Millennial Era

Muhamad Riza Chamadi


The development of campus da'wah in the millennial era is an exciting discourse in contemporary da'wah studies. The scope of discussion in this study includes an analysis of the development of digital da'wah on the campus.  The research scope is also along with students' passion for participating in da'wah studies on campus. The purpose of this study consists of two things. First, this study aims to describe the development of da'wah on campus in the millennial era. Second, this study aims to collect criteria for preaching studies that are of interest to students. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method by collecting data using a questionnaire filled in by students from various campuses in Indonesia. This study's results indicate that as many as 60% of respondents are more interested in participating in campus da'wah studies through digital media. Besides, students have a tendency to survive in choosing the Ustaz they like. The shift of traditional preaching to digital preaching was due to the exclusive impression on campus da'wah. Students also have a high tendency towards da'wah material related to life motivation.


The Development of Da'wah, Campus Da’wah, Millenial Era


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DOI: 10.21043/at-tabsyir.v7i2.8727

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