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Pesan-Pesan Dakwah Da’i Pada Khalayak (Analisis Konten Pada Ceramah Da’i tentang Covid-19 di Youtube)

Muhammad Munir, Mohammad Fauzi, Robby Aditya Putra


Da'is Da'wah Messages to the Public (Content Analysis on Da'is Lecture on Covid-19 on Youtube). Indonesian society in particular has been presented with cases and natural phenomena that occur almost all over the world, Covid-19 has made the world's inhabitants to pause for activities and social activities. The role of the preacher here is to provide knowledge that builds social and religious knowledge in the community. With this, the community needs to filter out the preaching messages conveyed through social media (YouTube) in order to provide a truth rather than giving a controversy and ambiguity to the community. This research uses content analysis which aims to reveal the da'wah messages in the covid-19 pandemic. As for the subjects in this study were Ustadh Abd Somad, Ustadz Adi Hidayat, Ustadz Abdullah Zaen, Lc, MA, Habib Novel Alaydrus. The data source of this research is the video lecture about the message of preaching on the covid-19 pandemic on youtube. The method of collecting lecture video data originating from YouTube, after that is coding to provide a difference between videos and other videos. Whereas in the analysis of research data interpreting the da'wah messages conveyed by the teachers above through youtube. The results of the research messages Da'wah Habib Alaydrus, Ustadz Abd Somad, Ustadz Adi Hidayat, Ustadz Abdullah Zaen. In this discussion there are many.


Da'wah Messages, Covid-19, Youtube


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DOI: 10.21043/at-tabsyir.v7i1.7685

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