Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on Students Critical Thinking Skill

Indah Praminingsih, Mieke Miarsyah, Rusdi Rusdi


This study aims to analyze the effect of the inquiry learning model on students' critical thinking skills, analyze the magnitude of the influence of the inquiry learning model based on education levels, namely SMP and SMA and analyze the magnitude of the effect of using the inquiry learning model based on grade level, namely VII, VIII, X and XI. Fourth, analyze the influence of the use of the inquiry learning model based on the topics of Biology and Science learning materials being taught, namely the Excretory System, Volcanoes, Digestive Systems, Cells, Ecosystems, Circulatory Systems and Environmental Pollution. The method used is meta-analysis, which analyzes 10 articles within a period of 3 years from previous research. The technique used is a meta-analysis technique with descriptive analysis method by analyzing several articles of accredited national journals. Research data collection is done by searching for articles with the help of Google Scholar. The effect size value is obtained from the research that has been done. The effect size related to the whole article regarding the effect of the inquiry learning model on students' critical thinking skills in biology subjects is 1.45 with a very high category. The effect size based on education level is 1.49 for junior high school level and 1.40 for high school level. Effect size based on grade level is 1.65 for class VIII SMP and 1.63 for class XI SMA. The effect size based on the topic of the subject matter is 2.93 on the excretory system material. The conclusion of the study is that the inquiry learning model influences students' critical thinking skills in biology subjects.


21st century skills, effect size, meta-analysis

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