Problem Solving Ability Analysis Assessed From Self-Efficacy in The Missouri Mathematics Project Learning Model

Zulmi Roestika Rini, Kartika Yuni Purwanti



This study has purposes, namely to test the effectiveness of the MMP learning model on problem-solving abilities and to describe problem solving abilities in terms of self-efficacy. The benefits of this research are (1) Students get meaningful knowledge to develop problem-solving skills through the MMP learning model (2) Teachers can choose the right learning model to develop problem solving abilities (3) Provide an overview to the teachers about problem solving abilities in terms of self-assessing student’s efficacy. The results showed that: (1) the MMP learning model was effective on problem solving abilities, (2) a) high self-efficacy’ students could understand problems, plan problem-solving, and implement problem-solving plans, as well as re-examine correctly and completely. b) moderate self-efficacy’s students could understand problems, plan problem-solving, implement problem-solving’s plan correctly but not yet completely, re-examine but not yet able to use other methods. c) low self-efficacy’s students could understand problems and plan problem-solving correctly but incompletely, less able to carry out problem-solving plans, but unable to re-examine and use other methods. Based on data and research findings regarding problem-solving abilities in terms of student self-efficacy in MMP learning, it can be recommended: (1) Teachers should guide and help developing the low self-efficacy’s students problem-solving abilities to further improve their abilities. (2) Measuring the students’ self-efficacy even involving a psychological institution in every school is important, so that each school has self-efficacy’s data to provide treatment to the students. (3) The low self-efficacy’s students need further treatment by cultivating confidence and giving direction that they are able to learn mathematics, improving problem solving skill and not prioritizing memorization in learning mathematics.


Problem solving skill; Missouri Mathematics Project; Self-Efficacy

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