Muhammad Ilmi, Nurul Hidayati Rofiah


This study aims to determine the steps of developing teaching materials in the form of brochures and know the feasibility of teaching brochure materials in learning Islamic Religious Education in primary schools. The method used Research and Development (R & D) with reference to that developed by Borg & Gall. Development steps are product analysis to be developed (needs analysis), initial product development, validation and revision, small-scale field trials and revisions, large-scale field trials and final product acquisition. Data were collected using interview guides, validation sheets, questionnaires, observation sheets, and tests (pre-test and post-test). The subjects of the study were the fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah SD Muhammadiyah Trini Gamping Sleman. The result of the research shows that the development of teaching materials for brochures is feasible to be used for Islamic education learning. By using teaching materials brochure can integrate the spiritual values in the learning process of Islamic religious education to learners in elementary school.


spiritual values, teaching material, islamic education, brochure

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