Developing Animated Video Storytelling Media in Indonesian Language Learning to Foster Social Awareness and Student Motivation

Camila Fatah Suroyya, Ahmad Tantowi, Ari Kartiko, Ahmad Labib, Mowafg Abrahem Masuwd


This research focuses on two important aspects in student education: learning motivation and character education, especially social care character, which is a national education goal. Apart from that, the lack of innovative learning media has encouraged the development of animated fairy tale videos as an alternative. The objectives of this research are: 1) to produce fairy tale animated video learning media for Indonesian language learning, 2) to determine the suitability of this media, and 3) to determine its effectiveness. This research uses the ADDIE R&D (Research and Development) model, including: 1) Analysis of student needs, curriculum, and student character, 2) Draft design of fairy tale animation videos and instruments, 3) Product development evaluated by media, materials, experts language, and educators, 4) Implementation of media for MIN 1 Klaten students, and 5) Evaluation of overall results. The research results show: 1) The fairy tale animation video learning media succeeded in increasing the social care character and learning motivation of class III students, 2) The media was declared very suitable for use by the assessment of material experts (94.6%), media experts (93.3%), and language experts (96.3%), 3) Effective media increases social care character and learning motivation with a sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000<0.05, indicating Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected


Animated Videos, Learning Media, Learning Motivation, Socially Caring Characters

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