Fostering Environmental Awareness Through Humanistic Education For Elementary School Students at Alam Tangerang

Ma'as Shobirin, Muhammad Fauzan Muttaqin, Sarwi Sarwi, Sri Wardani, Mukh Doyin


This study focuses on promoting environmentally responsible behavior through humanistic education among fourth-grade students at SD Alam Tangerang. The research aims to analyze the effects of humanistic education on students' environmentally responsible behavior in their daily lives. A descriptive qualitative method was used, with data collection techniques including observations, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. Data validation was carried out using source triangulation through interviews with the school principal, fourth-grade teachers, and three fourth-grade students, as well as technique triangulation, which included observation, interviews, and document analysis. The data analysis followed Miles and Huberman's interactive approach, which involved data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The study's findings suggest that humanistic education should be implemented in elementary schools with a holistic and comprehensive approach. This education was essential for developing students' moral values, ethics, empathy, and environmental responsibility from an early age. Humanistic education places students at the center of the learning process, enabling them to develop critical thinking, creativity, and reflective skills. In practice, this approach should be integrated into the elementary schoolcurriculum through intramural activities, such as teaching mathematics, the Indonesian language, and other subjects related to environmental issues, as well as extracurricular activities like tree planting and environmental campaigns.


Humanistic education; Environmental Care Behavior; Primary School Students

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