Educational Games as Learning Media in the 21st Century for Elementary School Students: A Systematic Literature Review

Nurul Istiq'faroh, Narong Kiettikunwong, Ricky Setiawan, Hitta Alfi Muhimmah


Technology in education is essential in the 21st century. Technology plays an important role in all learning methods today. Educational games can be used in all levels of education. This study presents a systematic literature review on educational games in elementary schools and offers recommendations for future research. This study identified twenty articles that focused on game-based learning in elementary schools. Article quality is assessed at the initial phase of the selection process based on specific criteria. Criteria: Articles published from 2013 to 2022, in English, from journals and proceedings, and open access. This research also explores the level of education, learning models, learning activities, types of research used, use of digital tools, and the impact of games on learning in elementary schools. Incorporating technology in the teaching and learning process can effectively develop students and educators to achieve better learning and educational outcomes. This research study found that educational games integrated with various digital tools were successfully used in elementary schools to achieve learning objectives. Examining these arguments can provide insights for increasing educational effectiveness.


21st century, educational games, elementary school, and systematic literature review

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