Inclusive Education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah to Build Perceptions and Self-Concepts of Children with Disabilities

Sulthon Sulthon


The disability children with their conditions, they have different self-concepts, they feel not perfect, low self-esteem, low self-perception causes a negative self-concept, then low self-concept results in low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness. The aims of this study are to know and to understand the impact of self-perception and self-concept of children with disabilities who attend inclusive primary school. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative. The researcher collected the data using observation, documentation, and interview with 4 madrasa heads, 4 GPK teachers, 12 class teachers, 4 students, and 4 parents in 4 inclusive MI in Central Java. The data was analyzed using data display, data reduction, and clarification. The results showed that the self-perception and self-concept of children with disabilities who studied in inclusive madrasas becoming positive. The disability students can accept themselves consciously and sincerely for their strengths. They accepted their weaknesses and adapting well, learning with enthusiasm, and trying to improve their abilities. The urgency of this research is to give the understanding to parents and the community that by studying at MI inclusive the children with disabilities can be accepted, evenly distributed in education, receive good services, harmonious education, not differentiated, having good valued and fair education system.


Building perceptions, self-concept, children with disabilities

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