Teacher Performance Evaluation: Analysis of Competence Standards as Agent of Education
This study aims to produce recommendations for competency standards for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers as agents of education. However, there is a fact that there is a problem, namely the low level of human resources which is not in line with the high demand for the implementation of competencies mandated by government regulations. So that led to an analysis of several problems, namely (1) teachers have not had knowledge methods in teaching, (2) teachers are not optimally creativity of teachers in utilizing learning technology, (3) teachers are having low motivation to enhance the quality of learning, (4) incompatibility of fields of science with teaching fields. And the analysis of the problem is influenced by causal factors, namely (1) teachers still use conventional learning methods, (2) teachers have not used learning media optimally, (3) teachers have not attended enough training to improve teaching styles, (4) some class teachers do not according to the scientific certificate obtained as a bachelor of education. This study uses a quantitative approach, with a quantitative descriptive method, then the development of validity test instrument techniques using statistic SPSS analysis. The results of the study concluded that the performance of Madrasah Ibtidiayah teachers was based on analysis of competency standards as agents of education with studies of planning, implementation, assessment, and learning support after the study was carried out with an analysis of the results of the research approach, namely an average of 3.8 from 4.00 maximum range which indicated a good category. So, the teacher performance evaluation toward to be agent of education.
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