Budi Purwoko


This research examined the effectiveness of conflict
resolution counseling to solve student’s interpersonal conflict
in senior high school. The experimental study used randomized
controlled trials design with triple blinding include: clien as
participants, counselors, and pretest-postest administrator.
Participants were 24 students with destructive interpersonal,
devided into 12 students in the experimental group and 12 students in
the control group. Participants in the experimental group received
conflict resolution counseling and participants in the control
group received counseling as usual. Based on anacova statistical
test indicated implementing of conflict resolution counseling has
improved: (1) positive perceptions of the conflict, (2) collaborative
attitude in the face of conflict. It can be concluded that, conflict
resolution counseling can help the students of senior high school
to solve their interpersonal conflicts. Conflict resolution counseling
can be adopted as alternative counseling for interpersonal conflict


Conflict resolution counseling, interpersonal conflict, senior high school students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/elementary.v3i2.1456

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