ahmad Atabik


This article talks about the concept of children’s education
according to Nasih Ulwan. Nashih Ulwan is a staunch in the
Islamic movement devoted them to preaching and joins the Muslim
Brotherhood. Nashih Ulwan said that the the most important and
cared for responsibility by Islam is the responsibility of educators
to children. They are eligible to receive guidance, instruction, and
education from them. Educators are referred to here other than the
parent, also including teachers in formal schools, among teachers
in the education of children. Explicitly Nashih Ulwan 5 educational
methods suggested in the book, namely: 1) Education by example,
2) Education with customs (repetition). 3) Education with advice,
4) education by providing care and supervision. 5) Education
through punishman. Ulwan emphases on children’s education;
1) Attention in terms of faith in children. 2) Caution in terms of
morals. 3) Attention children mentally and intellectually. 4). In
terms of physical child’s attention. 5) The attention in terms of the
psychology of children. 6) Attention in terms of social development.


concept Nasih Ulwan, children’s education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/elementary.v3i2.1454

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