Agus Retnanto


The objectives of the study are (1) to know the
implementation of personal guidance conducted by the supervising
teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Kaliori-Rembang (2) to know the students’
religious attitude behavior of of SMP Negeri 1 Kaliori-Rembang
(3) to know the role of personal guidance in developing students’
religious attitude behavior of SMP Negeri 1 Kaliori-Rembang.
The study conducted the correlation research by using the formula
of Pearson Product Moment Correlation. It took a purposive
random sampling technique. Based on the above considerations,
there were 12.5% samples of 253 students, obtained 29 students.
The data collection technique used a questionnaire or Likert scale/
attitude scale instruments in the form of 20 items of graduated
scale on the questionnaire service personal guidance and 20 items
for the mindsets of religiosity, 21 positive items, 19 negative items
with a favorable statement rating scale and unfavorable statement
assessment. The analysis of data applied descriptive and inferential
The mean of Y variable which indicates the value of 59.0689 on
the formation of students’ religious attitudes is classified as “good”
because it is included in the interval (51-65). It means that religious
behavior of students performing well, especially the students of
SMP Negeri 1 Rembang Kaliori in Academic year 2012.
Based on data analysis that has been done shows the value of r
observations of 0.612, then with df = 27 after consultation with
significance level of 5% = 0.381 turns (ro> rt), and level 1% = 0.487
turns (ro> rt). So the hypothesis that shows “there is a connection
between the personal guidance services with the formation of
religious attitudes Kaliori students of SMP Negeri 1 Rembang in
2012, can be accepted as true.


personal tutoring, students’ religiosity attitude behavior

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Elementary : Islamic Teacher Journal by Program Studi PGMI Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Kudus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License